2019 - How Process Variables Impact Investment Removal Properties


2019 - How Process Variables Impact Investment Removal Properties


In daily practice, we concern ourselves with eliminating variables at the front end of the investing process. What about the end result and the investment removal process? If, all of a sudden, your team comes to you with solid bricks of investment without a steel flask, what could have happened? Possibly the investment was made incorrectly or to wrong specifications, the formulation was changed or we made a mixing mistake! The resolution may be found within a process variable we are not considering as important.

This paper will hone in on variables that impact how the investment removes from castings. Technically, we will explore influences which do not impact removal properties and consider processes we may not have considered as issues. We pay very close attention to variables like ratios and temperatures during mixing. Do these impact removal? Are there inherent lapses in time and temperature influences which play a role in how the investment will remove? These questions will be answered.

Author: Michael Stover

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