2003 - Hollow - Core Casting for the Jeweler/Enamelist: Vacuum Casting Method


2003 - Hollow - Core Casting for the Jeweler/Enamelist: Vacuum Casting Method


Increase your creative options to include objects in your work that you might have once considered far too heavy or large if cast as a solid element. The emphasis of this presentation will be the discussion of a technique that enables you to create and cast hollow forms. You will learn a method of mold-making used to create wax models, the type of wax that is best suited for this process, and the wax injecting technique used to create consistent model thickness and weight. Importance will be placed on the method of pinning and the necessity of stabilizing the investment within the wax form. Included will be spruing, the investment injection method and completion of the investing procedure. The advantages of using a vacuum casting system will also be highlighted.

Author: David Freda

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